Hallelujah! The blue bonnets are in bloom and cedar fever is almost a distant memory. Come celebrate the glory of this wonderful time of year by joining the Anthropos All-Stars at Batch on Saturday, April 19th! These monthly shows are all about bringing people together for good vibes and killer tunes, featuring the wildly talented students, alums, and mentors of Anthropos Arts. Expect a high-energy mix of Latin, funk, and world grooves that will have you dancing on cedar’s grave. Plus, Batch has an amazing array of hanger-blocking kolaches and craft drinks that are just as delectable as they look.
Want to keep Austin’s next generation of musicians thriving? Help us keep the music alive for another 27 years by giving monthly. A recurring $25 donation funds music lessons, one-on-one mentoring, master classes, recording projects, and more. Not ready for a monthly commitment? Even a one-time gift helps our students shine. Give here now!
Special thanks to our sponsor Batch and the City of Austin for helping make this event possible!
¿Quieres que la próxima generación de músicos de Austin siga prosperando? Ayúdanos a mantener viva la música durante otros 27 años donando mensualmente. Una donación recurrente de $25 financia clases de música, mentorías individuales, clases magistrales, proyectos de grabación y más. ¿No estás listo para un compromiso mensual? Incluso una donación única ayuda a nuestros estudiantes a brillar. ¡Dona aquí ahora!
¡Un agradecimiento especial a nuestro patrocinador Batch y a la ciudad de Austin por ayudar a hacer posible este evento!